The Journey of Plastic Surgery

Dr. Alan Gonzalez Discusses the Transformative Journey of Breast Enhancement at Madrid Conference


During the conference, Dr. Gonzalez discussed the rise in health issues concerning breast implants and the options women have to enhance their appearance without these devices. It was the first conference in Spain to discuss Asia syndrome, a medical condition associated with breast implants. The conference, which was held at the Casa de America, brought together 60 women who shared similar concerns about the health impact of silicone implants. 

Challenges and Insights from Two Decades of Experience

Dr. Gonzalez has been a plastic surgeon in Colombia for 23+ years, performing 1,822 breast implant operations. He tells his audience that approximately six years ago, he began to study the issues and medical conditions associated with breast implants, including breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ACL).


During his study, autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) also became a concern associated with breast implants. A group of symptoms like joint pain, insomnia, and cognitive impairment characterizes this condition. The symptoms seemed to improve for many women once the implants were removed. 

Addressing the Myths and Realities of Breast Implants

Dr. Gonzalez shared his extensive research on the effects of breast implants, using data ranging from one year after implants to 40 years later. He explains that implant deformity began for some patients as early as one year after surgery, with increased blood vessels and contracture continuing to develop four, eight, 12, and 26 years after surgery. At 40 years post-implant surgery, women were also showing calcification in addition to the other issues. 


Dr. Gonzalez used this evidence to call for an update by the FDA to include the potential for an immune response to breast implants over time to alert surgeons and patients to the possibility of complications. 

The Journey from Surgical Enhancement to Natural Reconstruction

Dr. Gonzalez then offered an alternative to breast implants, which involved natural reconstruction using the woman’s tissue to improve the shape of the breast mound. He explained some of his proprietary breast enhancement techniques, showing images of previous patients to illustrate the results he has been able to achieve without implants. 


Dr. Gonzalez has developed approaches to breast enhancement known as BRALAN (breast reconstruction anatomical lift augmentation), BRALIFT (breast reconstruction anatomical lift), and BRAR (breast reconstruction anatomical reduction). All of these techniques involve the manipulation of the patient’s own tissue to enhance the breast, with the option to add fat grafting six months after the original surgery if the patient desires more fullness. 

Raising Awareness and Changing Expectations

Dr. Gonzalez believes he is on a mission to raise awareness of the potential risks associated with silicone to improve the general welfare of the world’s population. He aims to sensitize communities to the impact of undergoing surgery and revolutionize the current perception of body image, particularly for women.

About Dr. Alan Gonzalez

Dr. Gonzalez is a double board-certified plastic surgeon who performs surgeries in his state-of-the-art facilities in Bogota, Barranquilla, and Cali, Colombia. He has developed techniques for breast surgery to improve body contours without the need for silicone implants. His commitment to balance, health, and harmony provides his patients with more natural results. 

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